Monday, 1 March 2010

Nana Dorothy's Tomato Relish

I was very pleased to get enough tomatoes to pull together a batch of Nana's relish this year. I plan to buy some tomatoes for sauce, and some more relish, but it felt good to make it with tomatoes from the garden too. Next year I will have enough onions too!!

Nana's recipe is very simple, mix the following ingredients in a large pot and boil for one hour.



Mix 1T cornflour with a little vinegar and add to the relish. Boil 5 more minutes then ladle into clean, hot jars. Seal and enjoy!


I think most tomato relish recipes are fairly standard, but families often have variations, handed down for many years! How does your recipe differ?


  1. What kind of tomatoes did you use?

    Since you're using homegrown tomatoes, show off your dish in our "Grow Your Own" roundup this month. To participate, find the details here:

  2. Hi Jessicah

    I'm delighted to see you using a big preserving or 'jam' pan. I still use mine but hardly see them around these days. My green tomato relish recipe started out as an Edmonds recipe but has been modified as the years have gone on. Its great for using up those last tomatoes that aren't going to ripen as the autumn days move on. You can find my recipe at along with a heap of other recipes that I grew up with and my children grew up with. I've put them together for people just like you.
