Saturday, 13 February 2010

A little bit of Pedro

I've been moving pictures around between the computers, and consolidating 5 years of digital photos. I found some photos of P-dog from when he was just so wee, I thought I'd re-share them here, as well as a few newer ones.


He's probably about 4 months old here,


And over a year here. We got rid of this chair when we left Christchurch, but I like how it shows the passage of time in these two photos.


I took these three photos in December last year. Pedro has calmed down recently (Finally! He's only 3 years old), but I think he will always be a cheeky puppy really.



And this is more his true colours. The other day we had contractors on site at work, and in one of the elcetrician's trucks there was a beautiful, distinguished black lab, who had been going to work every day since he was 10 weeks old! I don't think Pedro will ever have that kind of decorum!

We are having problems at the moment with him getting hotspots in the humid Auckland weather. In the warm, moist conditions Staphylococcus multiplies rapidly, getting into any small nicks or scrapes, causing a red, inflamed, itchy patch, which quickly becomes a pussy, weepy sore. (Sorry for the mental images!) Pedro was recently on a two week course of antibiotics, and is now on another week-long course. It's beginning to look like this may be an ongoing battle for us during the summer-time, has anyone else had any experiences with these hotspots? Oh and if you have a double coated dog (e.g. lab, rottweiller, german shepard) please be on the lookout during this warm weather!

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely Lab Pedro is.
    We too had a black lab,Jasper.Every summer after he had a bad paw from a thorn going into it he would develop what you have termed a hotspot.Our vet called it wet exzema.Jasper also had anitbiotics for it & a bath every week.It never really worked until we got a topical anitbiotic cream & put him on a low protein diet & lots of fish oil.That worked a dream.Also you could try using Aloe gel directly from the plant.Very very healing.
    Poor Pedro I know exactly what it is like...
    Good luck with it & I hope it clears quickly.
    BTW Jasper used to lose his fur with it as well & used to have a naked chin & neck.Looked terrible but does come back.
