Thursday, 28 January 2010

Peach Harvest

Because the washing basket of peaches which broke a branch off the tree and were.....


washed and sliced....


Moulied Peaches

stewed and moulied.......
Bottled Peach slices

bottled and chutnied...... (27 jars!)

All peach based....

...weren't enough to deal with......

More Peaches

Now the other half of the tree is ripe!


  1. oh my goodness I want some of your peaches! yum!
    I must hang some basil to dry too - good idea.
    And by the way your wedding looked BEAUTIFUL, your dress was awesome - you are so clever!

  2. oh - and to answer your question, the yellow flowers are marigolds. I think some of them are edible, not sure, but these I have grown as they deter pests.
