Sunday, 9 May 2010

Fibre Friday :: Chain Plied

I think I can get away with calling this Fibre Friday on the technicality that it's what I was doing on Friday, I just had to wait until now for it to dry so I could take some snaps!

I spun up a bump of the graduated sliver I have listed in my etsy shop.


I tried to spin it fine, but I seem to have ground to finess halt at the moment. I've a goal to spin lace weight by the end of the year, so I need to sit down for some concentrated spinning.


I was so happy with the chain-plying I did to preserve the colour change. It's the first time I've pulled the fibre of the niddy noddy and had it lay flat, not kink up into a horrible overtwisted mess. I think what helped is a put extra twist into my singles, and concentrated hard on treadling very s.l.o.w.l.y while I was plying.


One it was dry I wound it into a centre pull ball, and then wound it back the other way to put the pink in the middle. I noticed this reflection as I was winding it back.


This photo shows the colour progression a little better.


I'm going to knit this with it.


In other exciting news, I managed to score a table at the May Crafternoon Tea! I've been dyeing up a storm and will have a table chock full of merino braids, and some other exciting fibre too (for your needles)....stay tuned for a sneak peek later in the week.

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