Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Errata and the mock chicken recipe

In the last recipe I told you to use 1 3/4 c of flour to get a sticky biscuit dough. This is wrong as I clearly can't do basic sums. The correct amount is 1.4 cups. 1 1/2 is fine I'm sure. I double checked myself, not by calculating it, but by making the biscuits. I hope if any of you have made them and run into problems, you just added an extra egg like I did. Luckily my egs are just wee, which is maybe why it was so dry in the first place.

Also, I'd just like to point out I think its cute how the Edmonds Classics recipe use both cup and weight meaurements- I guess using the measurement the original recipes were in. They do only use grams tough, no emperial system here. I prefer to use cup measurements though, as it's just easier than getting out the scales.

So, Mock Chicken. No photos today as I haven't made it. The recipe is intriguing though.

Chop one medium onion finely and cook in a little butter, but do not brown. Add a small tomato, skinned and sliced, 1 teaspoon of mixed herb, salt and pepper and one beaten egg. Cook slowly unitl mixture thickens. Pile on cheese or water biscuits and garnish with parsely.

The recipe is accompanied by a note which explains there was no chicken during the depression, and that women had to be "creative in the kitchen". (Which doesn't really explain the extravagent use of butter and cheese in this recipe.)

So, do let me know if you try this. I can't imagine it will resemble chicken all that much, but it may be good of it's own right.

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